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Please Note:  Club trips are designed for licensed vehicles and often enter and exit at different locations. Trailered unlicensed off road vehicles could therefore violate motor vehicle laws when returning to the start. Be sure to consider this if you intend to drive an unlicensed off road vehicle. Official Club Radios are GRMS channel 19 for travel to-from an event and 5 for during an event. NOTE, subject to change by event leader.

The Trailridge Runners 4WD Club is a group of four wheel drive vehicle enthusiasts who follow the guidelines of Tread Lightly!

We are very involved with the public land managing agencies, and act as public lands stewards by doing annual Volunteer projects, including 4WD road maintenance, campground re-constructions, picnic ground cleanups, and signing projects.

Since 1990 our club members have put $646,200 worth of volunteer time, skills, materials, and grants on the public lands.

We promote the outdoor ethic of cleaning up after ourselves and others while enjoying the outdoors. We work to educate others on the proper use of a 4WD sport utility vehicle by team work and teaching newcomers to the sport of four wheeling.

More details about our club can be found on our Information page.

The best way to find out more about the Trailridge Runners 4WD Club is to join us at one of our club meetings. They are held once a month, usually the second Wednesday. Meeting starts at 7:00pm.
Kingston Peak 2009 
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Pack it In --->
<--- Pack it Out, (plus some)
Don't leave campfires unattended
Extinguish campfires completely
Leave No Trace when camping
Camp away from streams / lakes
Stay on the 4WD road
Yield to Mountain Bikes,
Pedestrians and Equestrians
Do not disturb historic sites
Take only pictures
T ravel only where permitted
R espect the rights of others
E ducate yourself
A void streams and meadows
D rive responsibly