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News / Articles

June 2016, Miller Rock project and camp out

Published on 7/2/2016
Trailridge Runners 4WD Club - Article
Miller Rock Project and Camp Out
by Adam Mehlberg
We had a good group of people show up for the Miller Rock project and camp out on June 18th. The main crew met at the north Wal-Mart in Longmont. We headed up to Riverside/Raymond and picked up the rest of the crew, including the Beth Liska from the Boulder Ranger District, at the Raymond Store. The whole group headed up to the public lands boundary where we aired down and planned for the day.

We all headed up to the top of the ridge where some of the group went to Miller Rock to check out the view. The rest of the group went down to the main obstacle and set up for the work project. First order of business was to find a tree to use as a support for the road edge. We found a candidate and pulled it down to the repair site.
Log moving Moving our support log into place

After trimming the limbs we drilled holes at each end and anchored the log with T-Bars. We decided to drag down another fallen tree to fill in the base better and placed it inside the first tree. With some extra anchoring to a large pine tree we began filling the supported area up with large and small rocks. Vic used Gordon’s trailer to haul in the rocks. He had to drive the obstacle up and down quite a few times. It took a few trailer loads to get the gaps filled in. Next we dug out the inside slope of the road and moved that dirt to fill in around the rocks. It took a few bucks to get the rocks filled in, which will help hold them together.
Filling in road Filling side hill support

As a side project, Beth had Gordon pulled a large downed tree up to block the ATV by pass that went around the main obstacle. Late in the afternoon we were finally done and collected up all the tools.

Most headed home after a long days work while Larry, Jim, Paula, Ray and I went down to camp in the meadow by the river. After setting up camp we all went to the swimming hole and cooled off in the upper pool as the water was running too fast in the lower pool.
Ray Comeau going down Miller Rock obstacle Ray going down the obstacle
Bob Byrd going down Miller Rock obstacle Bob going down the obstacle

That evening Gordon and Christy hiked down from their house and spend some time with us around the camp fire. The next morning I walked up and looked at the obstacle on the south side of the river that has blocked that section of road for years. Looks like another retaining wall project to me.

We all headed out in the morning and gave the few hikers that were on the road a show as we climbed up the main obstacle.
Paula on obstacle Paula on the obstacle
Larry on obstacle Larry on the obstacle

Look for more photos in the 2016 June, Miller Rock Project photo album