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Please Note:  Club trips are designed for licensed vehicles and often enter and exit at different locations. Trailered unlicensed off road vehicles could therefore violate motor vehicle laws when returning to the start. Be sure to consider this if you intend to drive an unlicensed off road vehicle. Official Club Radios are GRMS channel 19 for travel to-from an event and 5 for during an event. NOTE, subject to change by event leader.

News / Articles

2022 April newsletter

Adam Mehlberg | Published on 4/6/2022
Trailridge Runners 4WD Club Newsletter
Trailridge Runners 4WD Club
Longmont, CO 80502

  April 2022 Newsletter

Club forum, email to, which will go to all TRR members
Club Business

Club Meeting

Wednesday April 13th, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Moose Lodge #1548, 2200 Pratt Street, Longmont, CO 80501.
Open to all members and guests.

The lodge is one street west of main, between 21st and 23rd on Pratt Street. We'll be in the north hall. Folks who arrive early will need to enter at the main entrance, take the 2nd left, off the lobby, enter the middle hall and continue north to the north hall. The front door is a key card door but there is a button for the bar tenders to open the door. Those that arrive early can prop the door open on east side of the north hall so folks can park on the east side of the building and enter through that door.

Next Meeting
  • Introduce guests.
  • Welcome new members.
  • Treasurers report.
  • Remove Club Store earmark in our account.
  • Club generator battery.
  • Club Express update.
  • Club decal order.
  • Middle St. Vrain bog project.
  • Review of the April 2 planning meeting.
  • Trip planning.
  • New/Other business.
  • Close meeting.
  • Open discussion.
Past Meeting Minutes
  • No guests were in attendance.
  • Welcome to our newest member Mike Harvey.
  • Treasurers report was read by Matt S.
  • Patches and decals were handed out to new members.
  • Club Express update. To date we have 58 members so far this year. This is on average with our past numbers.
  • A lunch meeting will be held on April 2nd to plan trips for 2022. Meeting will be at Las Palmeras at 11:00am.
  • Discussion on buying more club decals (we have about 10 left). Got a price quote from GDI (original supplier), as well as from Sticker Giant. Greg B proposed we purchase 250 more decals from GDI at the higher price, higher quality, using money from the Kilgour Fund. Motion seconded by Mark G. Motion passed. (Due to not having a quorum, we will have to address this again at the April meeting.)
  • Proposal by Greg B to remove the earmark for the Club Store in our account and rolling this money into the general fund. Second by Mark G. Motion passed. (Due to not having a quorum, we will have to address this again at the April meeting.)
  • Motion to close meeting by Paula K, seconded by Mark G.
Club News

Club Decals

We need to get more club decals. Our last order was placed in 2012 for 250 decals. Our previous order was at $4.95 each, the new quote is $5.54 each. GDI Sales produced our previous decals using a silkscreen process with a UV over laminate. Matt S contacted Sticker Giant and got a quote of $0.67 each using a vinyl printing process with an over laminate rated at 3 to 5 years. Greg B related his experience with Sticker Giant product life. We will address this again at the April meeting due to the issues noted in the March meeting minutes.

Recent Trip Articles

  None at present.


©Copyright - Trailridge Runners 4WD Club Inc. - 1985-2022