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Please Note:  Club trips are designed for licensed vehicles and often enter and exit at different locations. Trailered unlicensed off road vehicles could therefore violate motor vehicle laws when returning to the start. Be sure to consider this if you intend to drive an unlicensed off road vehicle. Official Club Radios are GRMS channel 19 for travel to-from an event and 5 for during an event. NOTE, subject to change by event leader.

News / Articles

2023 May newsletter

Adam Mehlberg | Published on 5/4/2023
Trailridge Runners 4WD Club Newsletter
Trailridge Runners 4WD Club
Longmont, CO 80502

  May 2023 Newsletter

Club forum, email to, which will go to all TRR members
Club Business

Club Meeting

Wednesday May 10th, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Moose Lodge #1548, 2200 Pratt Street, Longmont, CO 80501
Open to all members and guests.

The lodge is one street west of main, between 21st and 23rd on Pratt Street. We'll be in the north hall. Folks who arrive early will need to enter at the main entrance, take the 2nd left, off the lobby, enter the middle hall and continue north to the north hall. The front door is a key card door but there is a button for the bar tenders to open the door. Those that arrive early can prop the door open on east side of the north hall so folks can park on the east side of the building and enter through that door.

Next Meeting
6:30pm to 6:59pm - Board Meeting
  • Report on options for member recognition (Kat, Ray)
  • Discuss WhatsApp communication tool for trips.
  • Complete raffle plan methodology.
  • Discuss Discretionary Fund.
7:00pm to 9:00pm - Meeting
  • Introduce guests.
  • Welcome new members.
  • Board meeting update.
  • Treasurers report.
  • Club Express update. Feedback on calendar event creation handouts.
  • Planning for Memorial Day Picnic.
  • Planning for the Middle St. Vrain fencing project.
  • Trip planning.
  • Switzerland Trail trip review.
  • New/Other business.
  • WhatsApp communication tool presentation.
  • Close meeting.
  • Open discussion.
Past Meeting Minutes
Past Board Meeting Minutes
  • Mike C will not be able to do the club wall calendars. Present to the membership to see if anyone else wants to take on this project.
  • Kat B and Ray C presented ideas for club recognition awards. Possible simple prized, fun awards, certificates. Will have further discussions.
  • Will do the 4WD Book Raffle (Chuck Wells books, both volumes for Colorado, Arizona, and Utah) at the Memorial Day Picnic. One ticket per adult (over 18 years old) attending. Must be present to win. Raffle will be drawn at 2:00pm.
  • Colorado 4WD Association membership. We will hold and monitor the CO4WDA for now. Possibly bring up in the fall to join.
Past Meeting Minutes
  • Mike M announced the passing of Elaine Gray. Rich H announced that his father had passed away.
  • Welcomed guests Shawn and Karla Motley.
  • No new members.
  • Reviewed board meeting topics. See above.
  • Treasurers report was read by Rich H. All supporting memberships have been paid as well as the clubs membership in the supporting organizations.
  • Gary B sold the extra heavy pipe the club had gotten for fencing projects in the past. We received $240.
  • Roger B handed out cheat sheets for entering club events on the calendar. Our web site has seen over 2,000 visits since January 2023.
  • Gordon H is working with Matt H of the Boulder Ranger District on the seasonal opening and buck and rail fence project on the Middle St. Vrain 4WD road in June.
  • Don L will be doing a presentation on the Whats App communication app as a possible tool for extended trip planning communication.
  • Trips are getting posted to the club calendar. Still need trips in May and June.
  • Gary B is hosting the Memorial Day Club Picnic. The event is on the club calendar. Please register. Picnic will start at noon May 29. Bring a pot luck item, chairs, and easy up shade if you have it. Gary will provide the meat, soda and water, and utensils. The raffle of Chuck Wells books will be at 2:00pm, see details in the Meeting Minutes.
  • Gordon H has posted the Miller Rock, June 3, and Caribou, September 30, on the calendar as leader training trips. Contact Gordon if you’re interested in learning rewarding skill of trip leading.
  • Ray C gave a report on the Snow Run trip. They didn’t get too far up the Rock Creek Road. Next the group went to Bunce School Road and the Iron Clads. Same story. The group broke up but Ray and Mark G headed over to Rollins Pass Road, they couldn’t even get started up that road. It was a nice trip to see the front range.
  • Kat B gave a short report on the Moab Jeep Safari. The trail groups were in the 25 to 30 vehicle count and the event was well run. She did Golden Spike, Where Eagles Dare, and Poison Spider. Took some of the OnX employees around the Seven Mile loop.
  • Don L gave a report on the Llano Texas Jeep Jamboree. Event is held on an 1,100 acre private ranch. Don posted a video link in the club forum. (It has been added to the Video page on our web site.)
  • Motion to close meeting, Greb B, second by Gordon H.
  • OnX mapping software presentation.
  • Open discussion.
Club News

Club Refreshments

The following people are signed up to bring club refreshments for the club meeting.

May – James Henneke
Jun – Mike Cohan
Jul – Gawrysh's
Aug – Mark Grayson
Sep – Katherine Fuller
Oct – Schwall’s
Nov – (Moose Lodge)
Dec – Paula Kratzer / Adam Mehlberg

Recent Trip Articles

  See our club web page photo albums for pictures of trips.


©Copyright - Trailridge Runners 4WD Club Inc. - 1985-2023