2023 October newsletter
Adam Mehlberg | Published on 10/4/2023
Trailridge Runners 4WD Club Newsletter
Trailridge Runners 4WD Club
Longmont, CO 80502
October 2023 Newsletter
Club forum, email to forum@trr4wd.com, which will go to all TRR members
Club Business |
Club Meeting
Wednesday October 11th, 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Moose Lodge #1548, 2200 Pratt Street, Longmont, CO 80501
Open to all members and guests.
The lodge is one street west of main, between 21st and 23rd on Pratt Street.
We'll be in the south hall. Folks who arrive early will need to enter at the main entrance, take the 2nd left, off the lobby, enter the middle hall and continue south to the south hall. The front door is a key card door but there is a button for the bar tenders to open the door. Those that arrive early can prop the door open on east side of the south hall so folks can park on the east side of the building and enter through that door.
Next Meeting |
6:30pm to 6:59pm - Social Time
7:00pm to 9:00pm - Meeting
- Introduce guests.
- Welcome new members.
- Treasurers report.
- Board meeting update.
- Club Express update.
- Discuss options for investing Kilgour Fund.
- Middle St. Vrain/Coney Flats update.
- New/Other business.
- Ray’s Extravaganza.
- Planning for October Moab trip.
- Planning for Middle St. Vrain end of season run.
- Planning for Planning meeting in November.
- Planning for Christmas Party.
- Other trip planning.
- Review of the Ladies Run to Santa Fe Peak.
- Review of the Cody Wyoming trip.
- Review of the T-33 Crash site trip.
- Review of the Caribou trip.
- Review of the Moon Gulch trip.
- Close meeting.
- Open discussion.
Past Meeting Minutes |
Past Board Meeting Minutes
- Survey to collect feedback on concerns with being trip leader is done.
Reviewing results. To discuss at next meeting.
- Mike M requested that people interested in, or planning on going on a trip should register for the trip so the leaders know how many will be attending. Also, remove your registration if your plans change so the leaders know.
- Christmas Party options were discussed. Researching options.
- One more $75 first time leader award remains.
- Shadowing the leader of upcoming trips is still an option. Ask the leaders if interested.
- Two emails from prospective members.
Past Meeting Minutes
- Thanks to Kat F and gang for bringing September meeting snacks.
- Welcomed guest Ashley.
- No new members.
- Ray C will bring a box to the meetings to collect 4 wheeling items people would like to donate to be given away at future meetings.
- Treasurers report was read by Rich H.
- Roger B gave Club Express update. We have 99 active members. Roger will look into the website calendar issue of see past months.
- Adam M will work with Edward Jones on options to reinvest our two maturing CDs.
- Gordon H did the Extravaganza Give Away. Amber F won a shovel, Kat F won a JK top storage bag. (Must be present to win!)
- Motion by Greg B to donate $100 to the Moose Lodge for the use of their pavilion to have our Labor Day picnic. Second by Gary B. Motion passed.
- November planning meeting will be Pizza Party, or catered by Las Palmeras. Researching.
- Christmas Party will be at Kathy and John H house, tentatively. May have to move out to a New Years party.
- Middle St. Vrain to Coney Flats cutoff rock garden is seeing some rocks moved. November 4th trip added to the calendar to review and do a end of season run.
- Planning for Cody Wyoming trip. Base out of Cody. Will do Morrison Jeep Trail and Goose Lake. See club calendar for more details.
- Planning for T-33 trip.
- Planning Moon Gulch trip. Will be a color run.
- Planning Caribou trip.
- Kat F reviewed the Red Cone and Radical Hill trip. They had nice weather to start. Five jeeps attended. After Red Cone weather moved in, so Radical Hill was scrubbed and they went down Webster Pass.
- Gary B reviewed the Moab Utah trip. Had eight jeeps. There was rain on Thursday. Did Copper Ridge, Onion Creek, Las Sal Pass and Geyser Pass. One day they did a rafting trip. Ran the Book Cliffs and Sego Canyon. Moab was not crowded.
- Adam M reviewed Pass Hoppers Trip. Four jeeps attended. Middle Bald Mountain is rougher and was in the Cameron Peak fire. FR200 to Old Roach was a muddy mess. Once in the trees it was better. Ran north past Village Belle Mine, then over to Independence Mountain northwest of Cowdry. Delayed by a small herd of antelope that struggled with a barb wire fence. Went west to the new Ellis Jeep trail and then down to Red Park. Rained most of Monday as we crossed Farwell Mountain. Tuesday was bright and sunny as we headed home over Buffalo Pass.
- Kathy H reviewed the Labor Day Picnic. Very good turn out. Moose Lodge Pavilion was great. Mike C did grilling. Had lots of help from members.
- Motion to close meeting, Greg B, second by Mark G.
- Dan T did a presentation on the Silverton trip.
- Open discussion.
Deadline for next Newsletter is October 26th |
Club News |
Club Refreshments
The following people are signed up to bring club refreshments for the club meeting.
Oct – Schwall’s
Nov – (Moose Lodge)
Dec – Paula Kratzer / Adam Mehlberg
Meeting Night Dinner
There is a casual get together for dinner at 5:00 pm at the Las Palmeras restaurant in Longmont. Contact Greg B at 303-776-1148 or text message to 720-353-9416 to let him know you will be attending. Reservation is under “Greg”.
Recent Trip Articles |
See our club web page photo albums for pictures of trips.
©Copyright - Trailridge Runners 4WD Club Inc. - 1985-2023